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BFW Insights Blog

All you need to know about writing a will, lasting powers of attorney, trusts, estate management and probate - Make sure you subscribe.

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In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook essential aspects of financial planning. One such crucial component ...

We are delighted to announce that our Director, Amy Peters, has been awarded the accolade of “Willwriter of the Year 2023” by the ...

Creating a Will is an essential step in ensuring your wishes and assets are properly managed and distributed after your passing. W...

A common question we are asked is that in the scenario that more than one executor of a Will is appointed, should they act jointly...
We often get asked by couples if we can prepare a “joint will” for them but the reality is, no such thing exists.
We’re in a digital age that’s only becoming more advanced. Without us even knowing it we are engaging more and more digitally, cre...
Beneficial Family Wills are delighted to announce our partnership with Keylu for an enhanced document safe custody solution. By pa...
We’re often posed this very question about why, if people have joint bank accounts, do they need an LPA?
According to research by Royal London, more than 5 million people in the UK are confused by Wills and are not sure where to begin
ONS estimates a 42% of divorce rate in the UK, and with over 100,000 divorces every year then there are many couples and families ...
Thinking of updating your Will? COVID-19 has created a period of reflection for many of us, with many evaluating what is important...
Every year in the UK, people leave approximately £2.8 billion in charitable donations within their Wills. Donations such as these ...
As a new parent life can be fairly chaotic and slightly overwhelming. But as much as you are focused on that moment in time, it’s ...